Our definition of coaching is mentorship. It is providing you with unrestricted guidance, direction, and consultation with a subject matter expert on any topic we cover. We offer Executive Coaching in 30-minute increments and, although there are no deliverables included in this service, you have access to the full body of knowledge of our Experts.


You can utilize our Executive Coaching service to help you solve problems with a professional who has been in your shoes. They will help you identify resources, provide experience-based insight and coach you to make informed decisions. All reports and tools in The Vault include detailed instructions, recommended uses and a short how-to video. You can even meet with the author to ask specific questions about the report or to help you make it as relevant as possible for your team. 

Everyone needs a mentor, sometimes, and we are here when you need an experienced, knowledgeable sounding board who knows your business, inside and out. We can provide the ear, shoulder or devil’s advocate you need to succeed. Our Experts can give you a different, more strategic perspective that can help you see your issues from a different vantage point. For students, our Executive Coaching service can provide guidance with sage advice and navigation from people who have been where you are and have solved the problems you’re now facing.   



Our Process


We make our Executive Coaching service as accessible to you as possible. It is available through your subscription to The Vault. Simply log in to The Vault and schedule your coaching session. It’s included in all paid memberships.


On-demand access to hundreds of seasoned executives, published authors and consulting healthcare professionals is just a click away. 

  • Do you have defined personal/professional goals and a clear plan to achieve them? Are you on track?
  • Do you (personally) have a designated mentor who helps you reflect on critical decisions?
  • Have you accomplished your personal and professional goals to date?
  • Do you have existing relationships with the right people to accomplish your goals?

If you answer ‘no’ to any of the following questions, we can help!
  • Workforce capacity assessments
  • Skills inventories
  • Professional development plans and syllabi
  • Curriculum development
  • Live training facilitation, in-person and via webinar
  • 1:1 executive coaching with senior leadership
  • Facilitated over 80+ conference presentations and trainings to over 300,000 individuals.
  • Facilitated workforce capacity assessments based on skills, experience, roles and responsibilities.
  • Defined professional development plans at the health-system, organization, program/department and individual employee levels.
  • Developed curriculum on topics including, but not limited to:
  • Provided executive coaching to dozens of C-suite, VP’s and Director-level leadership.
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