Targeted Reinvestment Program 2.0 (TIP 2.0)

As access to healthcare continues to be a pressing need across the nation, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) has launched its Targeted Reinvestment 2.0 Program (TIP 2.0) to help meet the needs of the most vulnerable populations in Arizona. This innovative program uses state funds and grants to offer comprehensive healthcare services and support to those who are uninsured or underinsured, helping them access essential primary, behavioral health and dental care that would otherwise be unavailable or unaffordable.



The primary goal of TIP 2.0 is to improve healthcare outcomes for individuals living in poverty by increasing access to quality care while also ensuring cost savings for Arizona taxpayers. To make this possible, AHCCCS has identified specific aspects of care that require additional support such as medication management and chronic disease management services. By providing additional funding for these services, AHCCCS is able to ensure improved health outcomes for enrollees while also reducing overall costs due to preventive measures taken early on in the recovery process.



In addition to utilizing state funds for providing direct assistance and coverage, TR2 also partners with Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), tribal communities and other community-based organizations in order to maximize coverage options for participants. This collaborative effort helps ensure that clients receive the highest level of quality care while also providing much needed stability in terms of financial assistance.



Overall, AHCCCS’ Targeted Reinvestment 2.0 Program is an important step forward in making sure that those who are most vulnerable have access to critical healthcare services without incurring unnecessary expenses or delays due to lack of insurance coverage or financial resources. By combining direct aid with strategic partnerships, TIP 2.0 helps ensure better long-term outcomes both on a health level as well as economically speaking by reducing costs associated with emergency room visits or hospitalizations down the road.


If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate in the TIP 2.0 program, please connect with us today!

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