Differential Adjusted Payments

As healthcare access and affordability continues to be a major issue for many individuals and families, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) has created the Differential Adjusted Payment Program (DAP). Through this innovative program, AHCCCS is able to provide primary and behavioral health care services to low-income individuals while increasing reimbursements to providers offering these services.


The goal of DAP is to ensure that all Arizonans have access to quality care regardless of their financial situation. To accomplish this, AHCCCS provides additional funding for primary care and behavioral health visits made by AHCCCS members while also incentivizing providers through increased reimbursements. The intent of the DAP program is to incentivize providers to meet specific goals of the AHCCCS program, including screening individuals for social determinants of health, connectedness to the health information exchange, and other key performance indicators that AHCCCS has been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to fund.


In addition, DAP works towards strengthening the health and human services infrastructure in Arizona as it encourages physicians, behavioral health clinicians and human services providers to expand their offerings in order to meet demands more efficiently. With more resources at their disposal, medical professionals are better equipped to deliver higher quality care with shorter wait times and improved patient outcomes overall.


Overall, AHCCCS’ Differential Adjusted Payment Program is an important step forward in addressing some of the most pressing needs faced by many low-income Arizonans today. By encouraging collaboration between MCOs and uninsured/underinsured patients, DAP ensures that those who need healthcare services can access them without worrying about prohibitive costs which can often lead to poorer health outcomes down the line.


If you are interested in learning more about your eligibility to participate in the DAP program and receive enhanced reimbursements, please connect with us today!

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